Congratulations on completing our On-Demand Production Benefits Estimator! Here's a summary of the significant improvements your fashion brand could potentially achieve by shifting to on-demand production

Profit Margin Increase


This figure indicates the potential rise in your profit margins. By eliminating unsold inventory and precisely matching supply with demand, you could significantly boost profitability.

Net profits increase


This number represents an estimate of the overall increase in your net profits as a result of adopting on-demand production, which could reduce costs in areas such as inventory management and warehousing.

Manufacturing Cost increase


This estimate highlights the potential decrease in the number of units produced, reducing waste and creating a more sustainable operation overall.

Carbon Reduction for Manufacturing


By producing only what is needed, your brand could substantially lower its carbon footprint. This figure shows the estimated reduction in carbon emissions associated with your manufacturing process.

Carbon Reduction for Brand


Assuming stock and manufacturing contribute 77% carbon emmission for brand this is how much is would reduce company wide emissions.

Reduced Units


This estimate highlights the potential decrease in the number of units produced, reducing waste and creating a more sustainable operation overall.